
Time flies so fast when you're having fun. It actually takes planning to make the most of it. After being away from home for nearly a year and a half it actually hit me. So much has happened since I've been gone. Friends are graduating, trends are changing and the taxes are rising. It certainly takes a lot to embrace with only a short amount of time to work with.

Today, I had the time to catch up with my mate Khai Van Kampen who was cool enough to take my snaps. On most occasions I like shooting outdoors but since being in Brisbane, I've noticed the lighting from the sun is really strong. Really, the most practical times to shoot would be either really early in the morning, or really late - towards the evening. Not to worry though, since Khai bought new camera equipment, he's been using his bedroom as a location to shoot, really, really nice lighting.

I still can't get over these Boxfresh shoes. They have already been through some rough stages with me already, such as my dog Manny constantly ferociously attacking the laces and the tip of my shoe head. I actually like how I wore the shoes with grey socks topped off with red chino's, nice combination.

Outfit: Red chino's from Zara Young, Cheap Monday scoop neck tee, thrifted blue vintage sports jacket, glasses by RetroSuperFuture and bracelet from SM Accessories


  1. I really like your shoes. I've been seeing them in your past posts. Are they available here in the Philippines? Thank you.-Raph

  2. i really adore your style but i dot know if it'll fit me or what hoho

  3. @raph. Yes mate you can buy them at bratpack. They're very strong and durable for all purposes

  4. I love your style. It's rare to see men in the Philippines who have a swag of their own.

  5. hello robbie, im one of your fan, your my fashion icon as of now...Pls visit my site once, ive posted there all of your pics mostly i like, this is my pls drop some comment there..I want to know more about you your biograpy n I want to meet you someday in personal..Hhehehe

    Best regards,,

